cable stitch * shells over shells How to Crochet * Shells over Shells 0 By eliZZZa on Januar 9, 2013 Crochet, Crochet stitches, Learn to Crochet A very simple crochet stitch, use it for a cosy cowl or a shawl… More from my siteHow to Knit * Bear’s Paws Scarf * Lace StitchHow to Knit * Knitting Stitch „Bear’s Paws“ * Lace StitchHow to Crochet * Crochet Stitch „Anastasia“How to Knit * Entrelac in Rows without Turns & PurlsHow to Crochet * Pineapple Doily Share. Twitter Facebook Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email