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How to Knit * Brioche Rib Stitch 2/2 * Brioche Stitch * Knitting Stitch


Wherever you need a cosy, medium elastic cuff, this brioche rib stitch is the perfect choice…


Ein Kommentar

  1. Linda James on

    I am a beginner to knitting however I’ve knitted numerous scarves with involved cable patterns. I absolutely love your website and I especially love your tutorials. You make everything so very easy to understand and you are very easy to follow. I used to have a problem with dropped stitches from the cable needle until I saw how you use a DPN for the stitches and temporarily put the end of the needle in the already knitted section!! I no longer have a problem with dropped stitches! Thank you so much for all of your help and very informative website and tutorials. I originally found you on you-tube and you have an icon on my iPad which I refer to very often. You have given so much and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your wealth of knowledge and experience!


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