How to Crochet * Pineapple Stitch
There may be thousands of Pineapple Stitches out there, I made a very basic one, suitable for… de vlaamse handwerkjuffrouw.
There may be thousands of Pineapple Stitches out there, I made a very basic one, suitable for…
This nifty little pattern is crocheted in 4 rows only and you will be surprised…
We decorated our Tychus Hat withCorkscrew Spirals, the video shows you, how to work them easily…
Wonderful for decorating collars or to crochet a whole bag (evty. felted), this delicate stitch…
The famous yarn eater afghan pattern looks very complicated but I will show you, how…
Two videos showing you how to crochet this sweet little Hello Kitty Granny Square…
Those tiny crochet hearts in small, medium, large make a perfect little gift or keyring…
This very simple shell stitch needs one pattern row only. You may use it for…
This easy-to-work crochet stitch is perfect for delicate summer shawls or fillegree summer tops…
We run a fundraising for Somalia during August – similar to the one for Japan…
English version of the video for the Granny Square „Springtime“, that Lila designed as a…
Following a vintage crochet pattern I show you how to crochet this sweet little potholder,…
This delicate crochet stitch is a perfect match for summer tops. It looks a little…
This nifty little pattern is crocheted in 4 rows only and you will be surprised…
Now available in English too: Crochet Pattern * Super Easy Teddybear „eliZZZa“ at nadelspiel Shop
Now available as English PDF pattern at nadelspiel Shop