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About eliZZZa


eliZZZa is a project by Elisabeth Wetsch
Address: Gewerbehof Mollardgasse 85a, 1060 Wien, Austria
EMail: eliZZZa @ eliZZZa . net (without spaces).

I admit – when I was in school, I was my many teacher’s knitting nightmare. Some even started sneaky scissor-attacks on my knitting samples! My passion for knitting needles and yarns has run – literally – like a red thread throughout my entire life…

Now though, in more recent years, I’ve noticed that its‘ increasingly rare to see anyone knitting at all! The conversations I’ve had with the owners of Handicraft shops about this are often contradictory: some say knitting is all the rage, whilst others tell me that knitting and crochet are hardly popular with anyone nowadays.

Whichever opinion is the most accurate, it’s fair to say that knitters and crocheters have been almost invisible for long time. I can remember the lively and vibrant Knitting Circles that used to exist years ago. In addition, for me at least, knitting and crochet have an almost meditative quality,  relaxing the mind, inspiring creativity and guaranteeing me a shot of color and noise (without a hangover the next day –sorry Stiefel >;Oh –  and cats love knitting too, Cat Slaves!!! Above all, it has to be said that Knitting has produced some excellent philosophers!).

On the other hand, far from making me serene, I’m sometimes driven close to despair like a „Knitting Junkie„, particularly when I’m trawling the Internet searching for my ‚fix‘ of a certain yarn, especially since most of them can only be found miles away – at least from Germany – my personal addiction to exquisite yarns has often driven me as far as Canada!

These long Cyber-Treks of mine were the inspiration for this website – where knitting and crochet fanatics could meet, exchange information, and find the location of as many Handicraft shops and suppliers as the website can handle And of course, it will also allow you to send us your news about the best bargains available to your fellow-knitters.

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